The La Jolla Art Association presents a NEW exhibition of fine art and digital photography by it's members.
PLEASE JOIN US for a festive reception for the artists this Thursday, February 16, from 4:00 - 6:00 pm at the La Jolla Community Center.
Featured Artists in the Great Room are Ann Chaitin, Julia Hiebaum, Ralph LaZar, and Dottie Stanley.
Featured Artists in the Las Patronas Room are Caroline Morse, Dana Levine, and Mary Duarte.
Featured Artists in the Center Galleries are Christopher Conroe, Tad Cronn, Victoria Gist-Towner, Mark Sherman, and Dottie Stanley.
The exhibition is on view now through March 31, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, weekdays, at the La Jolla Community Center, 6811La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla, CA.
12:30 pm: Please join fellow artists for a fun Potluck & Small Art Silent Auction at the La Jolla Community Center.
Artists are welcome to bring 2 small artworks with your name, contact information and your minimum bid for the silent auction. The La Jolla Community Center will receive 20% of your sales to the highest bidder.
2:00 PM: Artist Demo - Painting with Kathryn Stephens. Incorporating collage techniques for mixed media work.
We look forward to seeing you at both events!