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Oil Painting Demo - 8/25 4-6pm

Just a quick reminder about this week's art demonstration hosted by La Jolla Art Association. This week we are featuring Sherry Roper demonstrating the "indirect" method of oil painting. The demo will be held this Thursday from 4-6pm at LJCC.

Sherry is inspired by classical realism. She looks for beauty in everyday scenes and objects. She is intrigued by the details and complexities of her subjects, and is drawn to dramatic light and shadow in both still lives and landscapes. Sherry‘s hope is to inspire a sense of wonder and mindfulness in the viewer. Click here to check out Sherry's work.

In her demonstration, Sherry will describe and demonstrate the classical "indirect" method of painting, which the Dutch masters of still life used to create their masterpieces. She will describe how a careful drawing of the subject is transferred to the canvas, after which a gray-scale underpainting is completed followed by layers of color in transparent and opaque glazes, resulting in amazing realism.

This demonstration is free and open to the public. It starts at 4pm this Thursday, August 25th at LJCC. Please plan to join us for what will be a fascinating look into the techniques of the old masters. (At LJCC, proof of vaccinations or recent negative COVID test is required, as well as a mask. Click here for more details.)


La Jolla Art Association, a 501(c)(3) 

non-profit community organization.  

Tax ID: 95-3068938

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