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Sign up for Interactive Demonstration, Exploring Composition, on Nov. 17th

Exploring Composition: A talk, demo, and workshop exploring Composition - Presented by Dana Levine, artist and photographer

RSVP in advance to Dana. Email:

When: Thursday, Nov. 17 from 4 - 6 pm Where: La Jolla Community Center, 6811 La Jolla Blvd., La Jolla

Two essential elements of a good work of two-dimensional art – no matter the subject or whether it is realistic or abstract - are value and composition. To explore what makes a good composition, we will consider these important ideas when creating an image: - Verticals, horizontals, and diagonals - Focal point and the Rule of Thirds - Overall design: triangular or circular

During the session, participants will sketch and make preliminary designs for three artworks.

Please bring the following materials with you:

- 10 sheets letter sized paper

- Pencil, Charcoal or charcoal pencil

- Eraser

- Ruler

- Scissors

- Scotch Tape

This is a free demonstration. We look forward to having you join us!


La Jolla Art Association, a 501(c)(3) 

non-profit community organization.  

Tax ID: 95-3068938

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may not be used without the permission of the

artist and La Jolla Art Association.  All rights reserved.

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