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Dick Ditore 

Dick Ditore manipulates glass into remarkable structures and colors. His mastery of glass is achieved through his primary use of a kiln, which gives him control over all aspects of the glass. He spends time in the studio going through multiple steps to perfect each and every process.


Dick’s passion for art began with his photographer father’s influence – studying with him, shooting photos, working the dark room, entering competitions.  “He taught me color and contrast which I use daily in my work with glass.”  Kiln-formed glass is now his personal challenge and passion.  “I love manipulating glass in a kiln – controlling texture, shape and color – through multiple firings.  I feel no border working in glass, whether hot sculpting or cold working.”


His work has been shown at Hot Glass Toledo, The Bender Gallery 

show “Divergent Visions,” “Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit” with the Ordover Gallery, and Cannon Art Gallery Juried Biennial.


Ditore was born in Coronado, California, and has become one of San Diego’s prominent contemporary glass artists.HH His passion to evolve and push his art forward was inspired by working with Klaus Moje, Judy Hill and Lienors Torre at the famed Pilchuck Glass School.


He has assisted Frantisek Janak and Fritz Dreisbach.  His work has been seen in many museums and galleries, is part of private collections, and has been featured in multiple publications - on radio and news spots, and four recently released glass books. He has also been honored with nominations for Saxe, Niche, Corning Foundation Awards, and received a Dominick Labino Memorial Award.

Dick-Ditore Water Linen
Glass Bowl 1
Tufas of Mono Lake I
Vessels 2

La Jolla Art Association, a 501(c)(3) 

non-profit community organization.  

Tax ID: 95-3068938

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