We collect 60-65 artworks and put them on the website.
We start selling tickets for $200.
Everyone who buys a ticket is guaranteed to go home with a piece of art worth at least $400.
When a person buys a ticket that TICKET has a number between 1 and 50.
Every piece of donated artwork has a number between 1 and 55-60. This has nothing to do with the person’s ticket number.
The artwork is viewable on the website at and hanging in the gallery September 10 through September 23.
Each ticket holder will receive a paper listing the artwork available. Then they will choose the order of their preference of artwork to win before the event happens on September 23. So if they like piece of artwork #5 the best, they will write down 1 (meaning first choice) next to the #5 artwork shown on the paper they receive that lists the artwork.
At the event on September 23 a first number will be drawn out of a container. The person with that number ticket will get their first choice.
The rest of the ticket holders will cross off the number of the artwork that was chosen. If the artwork chosen was also their first choice, they would look forward to getting their second choice.
This will continue until all of the artwork is gone. At the end if someone wants to trade artwork with someone they can meet somewhere designated. Leftover artwork will be on sale after the event for $100 to ticket holders. After that $200.
If someone wants to buy a ticket but can’t attend the event, there will be proxy volunteers to choose for them or to follow their written choices made ahead of time.
Artists who donate will receive a letter to use for a $200 tax deduction.
Keep checking the website for additional artwork coming into the show.
For further information or to buy a ticket, please text/call Raye Anne Marks at 619-252-9564,, or go to the website at Tickets can be bought through Paypal. Be sure to give your complete address and e-mail when purchasing tickets to receive your tickets and further information.
Tickets may also be bought in the gallery with cash, check, or credit card (or over the phone with a credit card.)